Feedback and Complaints

Your feedback is important as it helps us to know what we are doing well, and what we need to improve.

Members of the general public and any person connected with our organisation has the right to give us feedback, express their concerns, or lodge a complaint.

The following guidelines explain how you can do that. Choose from one of the following options to provide your feedback, concern or complaint.

Alternatively, you could go direct to the NDIS website.

Disability Royal Commission

The Final Report of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was tabled on 29 September 2023.

The 12-volume report devotes a volume to the voices of people with disability, and also includes an introductory volume with an Executive Summary and the Commissioners’ vision for an inclusive Australia.

The report contains 222 recommendations to promote a more inclusive society that supports the independence of people with disability and their right to live free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation.

The Royal Commission has also published A brief guide to the Final Report which explains how information is organised in the Final Report. This guide is suitable for people with disability, their families and carers, other members of the Australian community, disability advocates, service providers and people looking to quickly find the information they need.

At PeopleKind Group, we eagerly await the Australian Government’s response to all 222 recommendations by 31 March 2024 and the laws, systems and practices that will contribute to improved lives and outcomes for people with disability.

Advocacy /other organisations

If you have a matter that has not been resolved to your satisfaction, you may wish to contact one of the following organisations. We can help you to contact them if you wish.

Citizen Advocacy
P (08) 9445 9991

Mental Health Advocacy Service
P (08) 6234 6300

Mental Health Law Centre
P (08) 9328 8012

NDIA Internal Review
P 1800 800 110

Ombudsman WA
P 1800 117 000

People with Disabilities (WA)
P (08) 9420 7279

NDIS Quality & Safeguarding Commission
P 1800 035 544

Health and Disability Services Complaints Office (HaDSCO)
P (08) 6551 7600

Whistleblower hotline

PeopleKind Group is committed to maintaining our highly ethical corporate culture, and we take our corporate legal responsibilities very seriously.

We encourage current or former:

  • Employees
  • Contactors
  • Volunteers
  • Associates
  • Or spouses, relatives or dependents of the above, to speak up relating to any misconduct, improper state of affairs or breaches of legislation at PeopleKind Group or any associated organisation.

Our fully confidential and independent whistleblower service is provided by RSM Australia.

Contact RSM on 1800 270 748. The line is open 24/7, 365 days per year.